Get Career Ready From Home

The Career Center’s Praxis Summer Program is a free, 自我指导的夏季职业计划,旨在帮助您认识和发展最受雇主追捧的技能. 在电子游戏软件期间,你们一直在培养这些关键技能, both in and outside the classroom. 这个每周的指南将帮助你反思和加强这些技能,以便在未来申请工作和电子游戏正规平台生院时给予你竞争优势.



May 20 - August 16, 2024

Class Years

欢迎所有MCAS, STM, LSEHD和WCAS的本科生和电子游戏正规平台生!


All Welcome

How to Register

Registration Opens April 7, 2024.

Registration Form

Complete the program on your own schedule

通过Canvas, Praxis可以按照您自己的进度按照您自己的时间表完成. 每个模块都包括一个通过LinkedIn学习的学习组件和一个反思活动. In addition, 还有一份在夏季结束前要完成的其他职业发展活动清单. 


Module 1


Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • 根据雇主看重的职业品质来评估自己的优势和成长空间.
  • 描述人际关系的重要性以及如何精心设计你的电梯演讲.
  • 评估他们自己在工作中的表现,找出激励他们的因素.
  • Develop personal and professional goals.
  • 制定一个职业发展计划,确定他们想要发展的专业能力,并为实现这一目标制定一条路径
Module 2

Career & Self Development

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:
  • 反思几个关键问题,这些问题将帮助他们创造一个与自己一致的快乐生活.
  • 阐明自己的优势和能为团队带来的价值, as well as areas for development.
  • 描述有助于自己走向成功的心态.
  • 与那些能在专业上帮助他们的人建立、维护和利用关系.
  • Develop plans and goals for their career, seek out opportunities to learn and grow professionally, and advocate for themselves along the way.
Module 3


Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • 评估自己的沟通能力和成长空间.
  • 表现出积极的倾听技巧,这将增强他们与他人的整体沟通.
  • Communicate effectively during times of change.
  • Create and deliver effective and engaging presentations.
Module 4

Equity & Inclusion

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Recognize and acknowledge their own biases.
  • Articulate the  importance of cross-cultural communication, empathy, and speaking up for themselves and others.
  • Describe what it takes to be a committed ally.
Module 5


Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • 描述为什么团队合作很重要,以及如何在团队中发挥他们的优势.
  • 表现出积极的倾听技巧,以及如何对自己负责.
  • 通过使用有效的沟通策略来解决团队内部的冲突.
  • Recognize and confront bias in teams. 
Module 6


Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe thee impact technology has on them.
  • 回顾他们感兴趣的职业集群中常用的技术, 如何使用握手来最大限度地寻找工作或实习机会, and how to optimize LinkedIn to attract recruiters.
  • 能够清晰地表达如何合乎道德地、高效地使用技术为他人服务.
Module 7


Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • 阐明成为领导者的条件和领导力的基础.
  • 描述不同的领导风格和他们自己的领导风格.
  • 在管理和领导项目时激励自己和他人.
Module 8

Critical Thinking

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify problems, explore tactics to remedy potential challenges, and examine the power of decision-making.
  • Expand their knowledge of analytical methods.
  • Embrace the power of curiosity.
Module 9

Service to Others

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • 思考世界需要他们成为什么样的人,关注正义.
  • 运用他们独特的才能和技能来帮助解决世界上最紧迫的问题